Lizzie (almost her real name) was a
professional, logical, coherent, mature adult who was a very “by
the book” manager. I realized as she talked about her Angel
experience that she was taking a big “career limiting” risk by
sharing this with me, her corporate boss. Happily that meant that she
trusted me enough not to judge her as crazy, or rat on her in to
Human Resources.
I'm glad to say I listened quietly,
kept my skepticism to myself, so she could share this secret. My task
was to support her, not make things more difficult. In my mind I
could conjure up some extenuating circumstances: her mother had just
died, her husband was unusually introspective, she was stressed with
a tough job.
Nonetheless, it was just plain weird in
our cultural circle to admit to seeing Angels.
And I'm reminded of that situation when
Vickie or I encounter some people's reactions to the Core Protocols
or BootCamp.
We get:
- these concepts can't work, won't work, aren't feasible, won't be accepted
- the Core Protocols are too ... (insert negative adjective here)
- people won't use these Simple Rules and Tools
- people need to build their own
- there's no means to enforce compliance
- this is dictatorial
- people won't share emotions
- groups need facilitation
- we can't spend the time to come to BootCamp
- and several billion more
What's fascinating to discover, when a
conversation is possible with an objector about any of these
reactions, that the objector hasn't actually read the Core Protocols
document, or has not attended a BootCamp, or seriously tried to
investigate this material. Nor does the fact that thousands of people
have found it helpful over the 15+ years that teams have been
generating these ideas seem to make any difference to them. Or that
an investment of five days is worth the value of changing one's life.
So what is preventing the level of
understanding that all this might be genuine?
One possibility is fear.
When we talk about the potential for
BootCamp to be a life changing experience and to effect your success
for the balance of your life, that can be very scary. We know that
some people don't really want to challenge their belief systems, or
to deal with their true potential.
So when objectors deny the 15+ years of
BootCamp success is possible, we just listen quietly, share the facts
we have, and leave it at that.
If a world of abundance isn't what you
want, if you don't want to realize your potential, or reach for the
sky, then BootCamp is not for you.
On April 21st. Vickie Gray
and I will conduct another Great Teams BootCamp. The details are at